O nama - drustvena odgovornst

Corporate social responsibility

One of the definitions of corporate social responsibility is that it includes a company’s actions towards creating better living and working conditions for the future generations, enabling their continuing improvement and progress. Our Bank is making sincere efforts in supporting projects in education, healthcare, culture and so on, which will be useful for our citizens and society for a longer period of time.
We will here inform you about the most important projects which were implemented with the support of our Bank.

Donation of CKB employees to the Red Cross of Montenegro

 On the Day of the Red Cross of Montenegro which is marked on November 29, CKB employees donated the packages of food and hygiene products to the Red Cross. 


No bank fee for child allowance transfers to other banks

CKB will bear the costs of the bank fee for the transfer of funds to other banks for the purpose of paying child allowance to users who are their customers.


CKB employees donated blood

For the eleventh year in a row, the employees of CKB voluntarily donated blood at the Blood Transfusion Institute of Montenegro.



CKB donation to schools throughout Montenegro

 Continuos support to the Montenegrin education system.


Crnogorska Komercijalna Banka donated a valuable electrosurgical device to the Institute for Children Diseases

Crnogorska Komercijalna Banka donated to the Institute for Children Diseases electrosurgical device worth 8,479 euro, which is used in a wide range of surgical procedures.
